

2020-05-16 05:08

  现行的国际经济秩序根源于十八、十九世纪的殖民时代,其不平等的本质一直没有得到根本改变。而广大发展中国家为争取自己的权益,展开了争取建立国际经济新秩序的斗争。世界贸易组织(WTO)具备独立的法人资格,有自己较为完整的规则体系和法律框架,有着关贸总协定所无法比拟的权威性和影响力。本文拟对世界贸易组织的规则体系进行考察,考察的重点是其规则体系是否与发展中国家所争取的国际经济新秩序的宗旨和内容相一致,在多大程度上作出了有利于发展中国家的贸易安排,如何在平等互利的基础上促进发展中国家参与贸易自由化进程,以及在实际操作过程中如何保护发展中国家的利益。 通过研究发现,世界贸易组织的宗旨原则与发展中国家所争取的国际经济新秩序的宗旨原则基本一致。在其规则体系当中,组织机构和决策机制、争端解决机制和具体贸易安排等方面的规定在一定程度上考虑了发展中国家的特殊情况和利益,对发展中国家作出了一些优惠规定,以实质上的平等代替形式上的平等。这些宗旨和规定通过世界贸易组织的组织体系,在其全体成员当中得到认同和贯彻,将对争取国际经济新秩序的斗争起到一定的促进作用。但是,世贸组织的规则体系根源于目前不平等的经济现实,也存在着一些不足之处和缺陷。在实际操作当中,对发展中国家的优惠规定得不到彻底贯彻执行,也影响了其积极作用。最后,本文从有利于争取国际经济新秩序的角度,对其规则体系的改革作出建议。

  The current international economic order originated from colonial age in the 1800"s and 1900"s. Up to now, its nature of inequality has not changed essentially. The developing countries struggle for the new international economic order in order to serve their interests. The World Trade Organization (WTO), as an international artificial person, has its own relatively complete ruling system and law framework and its authority and influence exceed those of its predecessor, the GATT. This thesis would like to analyze the ruling system of WTO. The research puts emphasis onto the following issues: whether the ruling system of the WTO is in conformity with the principles of the new international economic order pursued by the developing countries, how much preferential treatment the developing countries receive in the multilateral trade system, how to promote developing countries" participation in trade liberalization process on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, and how to protect the interests of the developing countries in practice.It is found through research that the tenets and principles of the WTO is basically in conformity with those of the new international economic order pursued by the developing countries. In the aspects of organization system and decision-making mechanism, disputes settlement mechanism, and some trade arrangements, the WTO, to some extent, considers the special interests and conditions of the developing countries and provides preferential treatment to them. All members of the WTO accept the tenets and principles and put them into practice, which will promote the process in which the developing countries struggle for the new international economic order. Nevertheless the ruling system has originated from the current unequal reality in the international economy and there are bugs and shortcomings in the system. The preferential treatment to the developing countries is not fully put into practice, which undermines its positive role. Finally, the thesis puts forward some suggestions on the reform of the WTO"s organization system, in order to promote the establishment of the new international economic order.


