

2020-05-16 05:44

  Join in WTO;Function of the Government;Rule;Transformation

  在现代市场经济中,政府扮演着越来越重要的角色。在经济学理论的探索中,从18世纪亚当·斯密提出“看不见的手”的理论反对国家干预,到20世纪30年代凯恩斯创立国家干预主义学说,再到60年代新自由主义提出政府干预的局限性,反映出在对待政府经济职能问题的认识上,经济学家经历了一个反复认识的过程。关于政府究竟应该在经济增长和经济发展中起什么作用的问题,经济学家似乎抱着十分矛盾的心态,他们的看法经常来回摆动。既然肯定了市场经济条件下政府所起的作用,那么如何发挥政府的这一职能,从而使“看不见的手”与“看得见的手”更好地结合在一起推动经济发展,就成为多年来人们不断探索的一个问题。 重温过去,审视今天,展望未来,我们发现,政府职能转变问题已经被提到了重要的议事日程上。加入WTO更是把中国政府职能转变问题推到了一个新的高潮,面对历史提供给我们的机遇和挑战,中国政府必须适应WTO规则,因为WTO规则首先是针对政府的。冲击和挑战主要有:政府的行政理念;政府的行政体制;政府的具体职能;政府的行为方式、管理方式以及养成依法管理社会生活的习惯;国家的经济安全等等问题。

  本文通过国家的双重职能开始研究,探讨政府管什么和怎么管的问题,使中国政府自觉适应新变化,并自觉针对自身职能中不适合生产力发展的某些环节和方面进行调整和转变,为生产力的发展清除障碍,使中国经济在WTO的规范下取得更快地发展。政府必须重点搞好五个方面的职能定位:加强宏观经济的调控和管理;制定市场规则,纠正市场失灵;生产公共产品;营造统一开放的市场环境,保护公平竞争;健全社会保障体系,建立社会稳定的基础。政府职能转变的内容:政治体制上,进一步转变政府职能,实现政企分开;组织机构上,按wTO的要求,吸取国际经验,对政府组织机构应进行改革、精简;经济领域里从政府调控为主,让位给市场调控为主:从政府投资为主,计位给民间投资为主:法律实施方面,增强透明度,建立健全一套与wTO规则相符合的有关法律制度。 本文认为,政府的作用存在着较大的不确定性。重要的并不是政府作用的“多少”,而是政府作用的“定位”和政府作用“范围”的合理性。要真正实现政府职能转变,中国政府必须确立新的政府理念:尽管目前我们需要政府管理大量事务,但是,除极少数的领域外—劳动保护等,从长远角度看政府将不得不退出微观领域,在宏观领域也将有进有退。这正是本文的新意所在。

  The government plays an important role more and more in modern times economy. From the viewpoint of the history of economics, in the 18th century Adam "Smith put up the theory of "an invisible hand" against intervention of the nation in economy, in the 3rd decade of the 20th century Keynes set a theory of state interfere, in the 6th decade of the 20th century New Liberalism put forward the view point of the limitation of the intervention of the government. We can say that the economist turned over in their mind on the economic function of the government. It is seemed that the economist have a contradictory mind on the function of the government,

  they have been thinking what is its role in the economic growth and economic development, their opinion are uncertain. We have confirmed its function in the market economy, so the questions are these how the government can play the role of its, combine "an invisible hand" with " a visible hand " to improve the economic development, economist have been probing these for a long time.Recall past, study and weigh the situation, prospect for the future, we must admitted the transformation of the function of the government is an important event, what is more our government is a member of WTO , we have a correct understanding of the situation that the problem is stepping a new stage. Faced with the opportunity and the challenges, our government has to abide by the rules of WTO ,

  because the rules of WTO are aimed at government. The main impactions and challenges are following: the administrative concept of the government; the administrative system of the government; the concrete function of the government; the act mode of the government, the management mode of the government, the habit forming of regulating the social life; the economic safety of our nation, etc.This thesis begins to analyze through the dual function of the nation and inquiry into the problems of what and how does the government administrate , so our government could fit for the new situation conscientiously. Adjust some links & aspect of the function of our government that do not suit for the development of productive forces, remove some obstruction, make our economy progress smoothly under the regulation of WTO . The government should stress on the five scale of its function:

  To enhance the adjustment & management on macro-economy; To lay down the market rules and rectify market failure; To produce public goods; To set up a market environment of united & opening and protect fair competition; To perfect the system of social insurance so as to establish a base of social stability. The contents of the transformation of the function of our government: To transform the function of our government in political system in depth in order to separate government from enterprises; To reform and cut down the organ of government according to the principles of WTO & the international experience; The main regulator in economy from the government to the market; The main investment in economy from the government to the popular; To act and perfect a legal system which is fitted to the regulation of WTO, enhance the transparency in the operation.The thesis points out the role of the government is uncertain largely. It is not important that the government has its role more or less, what important thing is the rational position & scale of the role of the government. Our government must build a new concept in order to transform the function of the government really: Although our government still necessarily administrates a great deal of work, the government willhave to withdraw from the micro-economy-except few field such asthe labour protection , the government will step in or out in macro-economy. These are the new concept of the thesis.[page]


